Elementary School Academics

Elementary school overview

Our Elementary students actively engage in their own education right from the start at Own Heliopolis. Teachers that care about their students and have plenty of expertise put in a lot of effort to make sure that every student transitions from home to school without any problems and completes the well planned curriculum effectively.

Our class sizes provide the most possible teacher-student engagement, helping students develop problem-solving, product-creation, and information-meaning skills in the framework of American education.

Interaction with teachers and fellow students, as well as intensive reading programs and reading marathons, all help students improve their English skills. In order to share abilities and boost confidence, older students are partnered with lower Elementary children as part of a reading buddy programs. Even during lunch and recess, our kids are expected to talk only in English while they are in school. By doing so, vocabulary is increased and linguistic abilities are encouraged to be retained throughout time.

Our curriculum follows the Common Core Standards ,NGSS as well as California Art  Standards for Student Achievement developed in the United States. We use accredited American textbooks and strive to provide our students with the same educational experience they would enjoy in an American school in the United States.

Our program of studies

Languages, mathematics, social studies and science programs are complemented by courses in music, arts, computers,

library and physical education.

Contact us

Language School

+2 01278282483

American School

+2 01206373794

IGCSE School

+2 01207477725


Own Heliopolis American Division


At Own Heliopolis American School, we work hard to provide our children with a rigorous and varied education that is both American and international college preparatory. We work to enable our students to develop into critical, independent thinkers with the ability to participate dynamically and productively in an ever-changing global society. This is done with the help of a compassionate, competent, and specialized staff of teachers and others. Own Heliopolis American school believes that school curricula should include learning experiences that develop the child as a whole, and that every student should participate actively and responsibly in their own learning We have created a curriculum for our elementary school, middle school, and high school that provides opportunity for our kids to embrace learning and achieve academic success in order to assure high levels of excellence. An integrated core curriculum is used to apply information in the real world, and it is supplemented by electives like music and art. We give interdisciplinary units of instruction a main priority.
