High school
High school overview
Our curriculum is developed through collaborative planning and is based on the Common Core State Standards in addition to NGSS and California Art State Standards and the Ministry of Education (Egypt) curricula. the school has a longtime curriculum review, development and implementation cycle. Curriculum maps are developed with corresponding unit plans. Alignment is found within the maps, unit plans, lesson plans as well as the assessments. Staff track progress and alter planning as demonstrated by student need.
Time is provided for grade meetings similarly as subject specific meetings with coordinators. Rigor is valued as evident within the common usage of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Learning Needs in each division. Topics and instructional strategies strive for max student engagement within the learning process. Project based learning additionally as cooperative learning permit individual students to analyze comprehensive related and relevant topics of interest. Our goal is to arrange our students for entry into highly competitive universities in Egypt and abroad. Inquiry, critical thinking and problem solving approaches to curriculum delivery are utilized in our classrooms.
Our program of studies
All students are expected to hold a full program of studies. The courses in High School are English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language, Arabic, Computer, Physical Education, Religion, Arabic Social Studies, Art and Music.