Middle school

Middle School Academics

Middle school overview

Our curriculum has been developed through collaborative planning and is based on Common Core State Standards, NGSS as well as California Art  State Standards and the Ministry of Education (Egyptian) syllabus. The school has an established cycle of curriculum review, development and implementation.

Curriculum maps are created with corresponding unit plans. Consistency is found in maps, unit plans, lesson plans, and assessments. Staff will track progress and modify schedules based on student needs. There will be time for reunions and thematic meetings with coordinators

Rigidity is valued, as evidenced by the fact that Bloom’s taxonomy of learning needs is shared across departments. Topics and teaching strategies strive to maximize student participation in the learning process. Project-based and collaborative learning allows individual students to delve deeply into relevant topics of interest. In addition to learning important basic skills, our goal is to help students recognize connections and context

The aim is for its students to become confident performers, presenters and public speakers and work cooperatively and collaboratively. Students are taught to acknowledge their peers’ points of view and respond in an open minded manner. Students from grades three to nine participate within the MAP (Measure of educational Progress) assessment twice a year. The scores are gathered and compared to both the African and International benchmarks. Data from this testing informs the implementation of classroom and individual strategies to handle identified student learning gaps and wishes

Our program of studies

All students are expected to hold a full program of studies. The courses in middle school are English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language, Arabic, Computer, Physical Education, Religion, Arabic Social Studies, Art and Music. 

Contact us

Language School

+2 01278282483

American School

+2 01206373794

IGCSE School

+2 01207477725



At Own Heliopolis American School, we work hard to provide our children with a rigorous and varied education that is both American and international college preparatory. We work to enable our students to develop into critical, independent thinkers with the ability to participate dynamically and productively in an ever-changing global society. This is done with the help of a compassionate, competent, and specialized staff of teachers and others. Own Heliopolis American school believes that school curricula should include learning experiences that develop the child as a whole, and that every student should participate actively and responsibly in their own learning We have created a curriculum for our elementary school, middle school, and high school that provides opportunity for our kids to embrace learning and achieve academic success in order to assure high levels of excellence. An integrated core curriculum is used to apply information in the real world, and it is supplemented by electives like music and art. We give interdisciplinary units of instruction a main priority.
